“After Henry” is a BAFTA-nominated comedy series that humorously portrays the lives of three middle-class women, with a focus on Sarah, who is navigating the challenges of caring for her demanding mother and a self-reliant but messy adolescent daughter.
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After Henry is a BAFTA-nominated comedy that follows the comfortable middle-class lives of three women except that, for one of them, life isn’t all that comfortable. Sarah has been left pretty well provided-for by her late husband, but she has also been left with a demanding mother and a prickly adolescent daughter who craves independence – just as long as mother is there to clear up the mess… ( 1 DVD )
Personal Choice
DRMG House
Cremers Road
ME10 3US
Order line: 0871 075 5555
*Order line calls charged at 10p per minute, plus any network extras