This is a desert-island adventure that also delves into themes of friendship, trust, and humanity, as it tells the story of Michael, who is stranded on a Pacific island after falling from his parents’ yacht, and his unlikely friendship with the mysterious Kensuke, resulting in a touching tale that won The Children’s Book Award.
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A desert-island adventure, and a subtle observation of friendship, trust, and humanity. Winner of The Children’s Book Award.
When Michael is washed up on an island in the Pacific after falling from his parents’ yacht, he struggles to survive on his own. But he soon realizes there is someone close by, someone who is watching over him and helping him to stay alive. Following a close-run battle between life and death, the mysterious stranger – Kensuke – allows Michael into his world, and they become friends, teaching and learning from each other. ( 3 CD Set )
Personal Choice
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